Following the tragic loss of an 18-year-old high school student who fell during her graduation ceremony, a town has been left in mourning.
Tragically, it has been reported that 18-year-old Sienna Stewart, who had a transplant eleven years prior, was diagnosed with heart failure in April. Since she was four years old, Sienna has had severe cardiomyopathy, and early this year, she started “getting sick.”
She was said to have been able to lead a “relatively normal life for 10 years” following the aforementioned transplant, but after that, she began “getting weak and slowing down.”
Mother Saevon Chum disclosed that her daughter would occasionally pass out; one such instance occurred on Thursday, May 23, 2024, during her graduation.
The principal of Hiram High School is heard yelling, “Just give us a second, please, we have a student, just give us a second,” in a video that the school has posted.
Saevon found her daughter receiving care from paramedics when she arrived. The mother recalled, “When I got there, the ambulance was already there. She had collapsed. She had had another episode. But this was the first time she collapsed unconscious.”