As two teenage boys walked through their area, they saw a group of people gathered around a car
As they got closer, they tried to figure out what the crowd was looking at, but it was the strangest thing they had ever seen.
Something was frozen and couldn’t move.
The boys knew they had to move quickly to save the animal, but they didn’t know how.
The strange find was made by friends Jaydon Pettipas and Aidan Hart in the Canadian town of Saint Andrews in New Brunswick, according to the Canadian news outlet CBC.
Before the day was over, the two teenage boys would be praised as heroes for what they did.
When they saw a group of people grouped together, they had to find out what made people stop and look.
But they didn’t know what they were seeing, even though they were close.The animal looked like it was frozen solid and wasn’t even close to looking living.
An animal called a squirrel was trapped under a car and covered in protective foam. They knew it was going to die soon.