The story of Earl Holliman’s journey to Hollywood is one of aspiration and perseverance. In 1943, Holliman was 14 years old and adamant about wanting to be a movie star.
Raised in Oil City and Mooringsport, rather than Shreveport as is frequently stated, he traveled via a number of locations before arriving in Hollywood.
He first went to see relatives in Camden, Arkansas, and from there he bused himself to Texarkana. He took a rideshare to Hollywood from there.
Holliman had worked the night shift at a diner close to Barksdale Air Force Base and as a theater usher, so he had saved some money. A serviceman he met at the cafe even gave him a lead on a place to stay, which turned out to be in El Monte, California, a good distance from Hollywood. Looking back on his trip, Holliman acknowledges that it was a dangerous decision that wouldn’t be prudent in the modern day.