The renowned actor, who is currently 63, celebrated his 36th anniversary to Pollan in an Instagram post on Tuesday, July 16. He penned a heartfelt note to his longtime companion, including a picture of the two of them lounging by a pool when they were younger.
The caption said, “Here’s to a lifetime of love with the love of a lifetime.” “T. Forever, happy anniversary.”
Tracy Pollan supported Michael J. Fox 36 years ago when they exchanged vows, promising to support one another in good times and bad, in health and illness. They had no idea that this pledge would be put to the ultimate test only a few years into their marriage.
When Fox was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in his prime, the couple’s fortitude would be put to the test. However, Fox recently revealed the depth of their relationship and the crucial role his wife has played in his quest, demonstrating Pollan’s unfailing support.