Rose, who once lived a life of joy and luxury in her family mansion, was now living on the street, thanks to the greed of her three sons. But soon, she would get a phone call that would end her misery…
To everyone who passed by the Roy Mansion, the exquisite six-bedroom house was nothing short of a dream.
On the outside, people posed in front of its majestic weathered gates and took pictures to share on social media. But on the inside was a heartbreaking story of love, loss, and greed.
Love, because it was the mansion that a rich young man had built for the love of his life almost four decades ago and raised a family of three boys and a girl with her…
Loss, because it was within those walls that the fairytale love story came to an abrupt end when the man succumbed to an illness, breathing his last in the arms of the woman he loved…
And greed, because the three sons that were once the center of their parents’ universe had manipulated and kicked their old widowed mother out because she refused to sell the house.