The departure of Michael Strahan from the show “Live With Kelly and Michael” to become a member of the “Good Morning America” team occurred six years ago. In point of fact, Strahan ended up leaving three months earlier than was initially planned, and co-host Kelly Ripa was so taken aback by the decision that he made to leave that she took a week-long break from the show after it occurred. The departure was a bit of a mess.
When she returned, she admitted that she had left, but she did not elaborate on the reason. “I needed a couple of days to gather my thoughts; after 26 years with this company, I earned the right,” Ripa had told her audience at the time after returning to the show. “I earned the right.” “A much more extensive discussion about communication, consideration, and most importantly respect in the workplace was initiated as a result of this… Sincere apologies have been extended.
There is no doubt that Strahan and Ripa do not have the same relationship as they did when they were hosting the show, despite the fact that Strahan may have expressed regret for his departure.
Strahan has only lately opened up a can of worms regarding the manner in which the show ended many years ago, as well as his relationship with Ripa, or perhaps we should state that he does not have a relationship with her.