The DIY Solution That Will Help Keep Stink Bugs Away From Your Home -

The DIY Solution That Will Help Keep Stink Bugs Away From Your Home

If you have yet to find a stink bug in your home, consider yourself lucky. These beetle-like insects tend to invade people’s homes in the fall through siding, soffits, chimneys, and around window and door frames. They love spending their winter hibernation in your home, and will often fly around light fixtures. However, the worst part about the stink bug is what gives it its name. They emit this gross, pungent odor through their abdomen that is far from pleasant.

source: Agriculture and Food
Stink bugs can multiply into huge colonies over the fall and winter, and they’re pretty darn difficult to get rid of. In very severe cases, you may have to call an exterminator to take care of your stink bug problem. However, before resorting to that (pricey) measure, you can try this cheap, DIY solution.

According to Farm and Dairy, all you have to do is combine two cups of hot water, one cup of distilled vinegar, and 1/2 cup of dish soap in a spray bottle. You can either spray the stink bugs directly, or spray the areas in which you think they’re hiding out in.

Remember, the best way of ridding stink bugs is by preventing their entrance in the first place. They start to enter homes when the temperature outside drops, so ensure any cracks or holes around your home’s foundation, windows, and doors are sealed with each change of the season.

Stink bugs are annoying house guests, but you can work at getting rid of them (the cheap way) by trying out this simple hack.


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