When visiting a home, you might be greeted by a neat and organized space, but sometimes, a quick tidy-up can mask underlying dirt or neglect. To spot the difference between a home that’s simply straightened up and one that’s truly clean, here are eight subtle indicators that can give you a better idea of whether a home is a clean home or not.
While the main areas of a room may appear clean, check the corners, behind doors, and under furniture. These spots often collect dust and clutter, revealing that cleaning might be more about appearance than thoroughness. Tidy homes often give attention to these hidden areas, ensuring they’re dusted and free of neglected mess.
A fresh aroma can create the illusion of cleanliness, but it might also mask less pleasant smells from poor cleaning. If you notice heavy air fresheners or scented candles, they might be used to hide odors from sources like dirty carpets, pet areas, or musty upholstery. A truly clean home will smell fresh without the need for strong artificial scents.
Dust accumulation on shelves, electronics, picture frames, or light fixtures is a sign of infrequent cleaning. Running your finger along these surfaces can reveal a thin layer of dust that can go unnoticed during a quick tidy-up. Regular dusting of hard-to-reach areas is essential to maintaining a genuinely clean home.