Vanna White, the beloved co-host of Wheel of Fortune, shared an emotional farewell to her longtime co-host and friend, Pat Sajak, as he prepares to retire after more than four decades on the iconic game show. Fighting back tears, White expressed her deep gratitude for their partnership, describing Sajak as more than just a colleague. “He’s like a brother to me,” White said during the heartfelt tribute, emphasizing the bond they’ve built over the years. Their chemistry and camaraderie have been a cornerstone of the show’s enduring success, captivating audiences and making them one of television’s most iconic duos.
The farewell moment was bittersweet for both fans and the Wheel of Fortune team, as Sajak’s departure marks the end of an era. White reflected on their journey together, recalling the countless memories and milestones they’ve shared since she joined the show in 1982.
“We’ve been through so much—births, deaths, celebrations, and challenges,” she said. “I couldn’t have asked for a better partner to share this incredible experience with.” Her words highlighted not only the professional relationship but also the genuine friendship that has developed over the years.
Fans of the show have taken to social media to share their own tributes, reminiscing about moments that showcased Sajak and White’s playful banter and undeniable rapport. Many noted that their dynamic has been a comforting constant in American households, a sentiment echoed by White during her farewell message. She acknowledged the viewers’ loyalty and the role they’ve played in making Wheel of Fortune a cultural phenomenon. “We wouldn’t be here without the fans,” she said, her voice trembling with emotion.