Well, we should avoid them and not do them because they can easily lead to a stroke. According to doctor Nguyen Xuan Quang (Military Medical Academy), he warned everyone to immediately stop some bad habits in the morning to avoid stroke.
1. Jumping up immediately in the morning: This is a habit of many people. According to health experts, this habit can most easily cause stroke in the morning.
2. Drink a glass of diluted salt water right after waking up
I’m sure taht many people have had this habit because they think it has a very good antiseptic effect, k–ills bacteria in the mouth, strengthens teeth, and strengthens gums.
3. Exercise when it’s too early : Exercise is still good for health but people should not exercise at dawn, when the sun has not yet risen. That’s because at this time the temperature is still low, exercising early can lead to colds, cold weather can easily cause vasoconstriction, more dangerously it can cause myocardial infarction and cardiovascular diseases, cerebrovascular diseases and stroke. For those with poor health, exercising early in the morning also causes serious sleep deprivation, at which time our bodies will not be able to function as effectively as expected and increase the risk of injury. Read More below